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EPU A hybrid technology by infusing urethane groups into epoxy polymer matrices where the functional properties of epoxy (adhesion, toughness and gloss) are combined with those of PU (abrasion resistance, flexibility and impact resistance). EPU Flooring systems deliver the toughest performance in the most aggressively abused areas and provide scientifically superior polymer hybrid technology, engineered for excellence in floor protection as well as decoration.


Hybrid chemistry Hybrid systems are combinations of two different types of polymers in the form of a cold mix or pre-condensate. These combinations unite specific properties of two polymers which could not be otherwise obtained while using a single polymer alone.

Epucoat SL formulated for Specific floor requirement having property of epoxy and PU both, which provide us glossy, flexible and impact resistance floor.

More Flexible
Impact Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Abrasion Resistance

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